Nowadays, you can get married on any day of the week and any time of the year!
Increasingly, here at JoanneB Photography, we are getting more and more bookings for weddings 'out of season' if you will.
October through to April are turning into some our busier months and if you are considering having your wedding in the winter then go ahead, embrace it and do not let the chance of rain put you off!
And here's why not;
Colour Schemes
If you like deep rich colours, autumn reds and winter blues then this time of year is for you. The textures and the colours are truly inspirational.
Gorgeous Accessories
A beautiful winter stole, cape or wrap can really add to any wedding dress. Shawls or bolero cardigans can also look a treat on your bridesmaids and flower girls.
The Ground
Consider where you are getting married and just what WILL be underfoot!
As soon as you leave the house, walk to the church or step outside the venue your dress will no longer be clean. Our advice, accept it and go with it. The more you do, the more fun a day you will have.
Wellington Boots!
If you have some, bring them, if they are in your colour scheme, even better.
As a bride, you will be a lot happier outside with wellies on, than in your stilettos. Keep those clean and dry for indoors and the wellingtons for outside. If it is particularly damp underfoot, the groom might even consider having a spare pair of shoes to hand (or foot).
Use and abuse them, we say! Get them to match your colours, get them in funny shapes and if you don't get them, don't worry, we have plenty! Small black ones, golf ones, big white ones, blue, yellow and red ones all in the boot of the car and ready to go.
First Look
Something which our wedding colleagues in the USA have been doing for some time. Not traditional, but if you are having a late winters day ceremony, then maybe while the light is still good, you could steal a quick look at each other in private and do a few portraits before the sky turns black and the start of your wedding ceremony.
And what if it rains?
Well, we go inside, of course.
A good Photographer will find beauty indoors as well as out. In front of a window, on a staircase, or in the church, there is always somewhere romantic to do your Bride and Groom portraits.
Group photographs inside, also look fabulous. Just choose a venue with plenty of rooms and we'll find one that will work for you.
Even if it does rain, you could still do a confetti throw (venue permitting, of course).
And the best thing of all are the.......
Dark Nights
Which create so many different and exciting possibilities, silhouettes in doorways, sparkler exits, romantic cuddles and some amazing views of your venue all lit up in the background.
So, if you are thinking about having your wedding when it may be a little colder or darker or wetter, then go right ahead!
Just be prepared and you will still get a most magical wedding with photographs to match.
Images include
Merchant Adventurers Hall, York